The management system source code is published on GitHUB and it is open source. To install it locally on your server please follow the below steps :
1. Install Nodejs on the server. Nodejs Version required is 10.xx ( other versions are not supported at the moment). Also it is required to install Build - Essentails after the installation of node: sudo apt-get install build-essential
2. Copy the source code from GitHUB, using command line or any program for file transfer.
There are no limits or requirements for the path where you copy the source code on the server.
3. Install MySQL or use the connection of MySQL you may have in use on other instances.
Create a blank database to MySQL to use if for Magoware management system. There are no requirements for MySQL version.
Make sure MySQL is installed with secure installation and the credentials you will use later have access to allow database connection with the management system.
4. Within the Magoware folder on your server run the following commands to install npm packages:
a) sudo npm install - on linux OS
npm install - windows OS
b) sudo npm install stripe - Linux OS
npm install stripe - Windows OS
5. Run the server .
Run the followin command to run the server :
sudo node server.js - Linux OS
node server.js - Windos OS
After running the above command , database credentials will be required :
database username
database password
database host
database name
Make sure the database credentials are correct, otherwise the database will not be populated with the default values and will not allow you to login.
After a successful run of the service, you can access the management system on browser. The URL format should be :

Hello i installed your service on plesk but cant access to backoffice interface